How to find the right college

Choosing colleges in Mumbai is an intrepid affair that touches upon numerous personal aspects. You should choose the top colleges in Mumbai without being swayed by popular opinion. You should look beyond the fame of the college. Your final choice of college is going to be your home ground for at least the next three to five years, depending upon the choice of undergraduate study. The list below can help you choose a college wisely.

  1. Shortlist colleges: Make a list of the colleges depending upon their location, distance from your home, majors and programs, enrollment and student-to-faculty ratios. Also, look closely at the tuition and living costs and minimum grade requirements for admission.
  2. Rank the colleges: Take time to rank the colleges depending upon the pros and cons of a particular college as per your understanding and personal choice. Make sure that you are ranking them in a detached manner while being truthful as per the realities of your abilities.
  3. Focus on the long term: The college selection process should not only look at the short-term items like the tuition fee and other financial outlooks but also the long-term aspects like reasonable jobs, career and relevance of the degree a few years down the line. You should also consider the possibilities of securing loans and scholarships that will take care of short-term items but the effects of education and curriculum followed by the college shall stay with you for a much longer time.
  4. Investigate job options: It is recommended that you visit the college and ask the college’s placement centre questions about your prospects. These questions should be on topics like resources available, services and training provided, on-campus placements, employment and salary data, internship opportunities, and more.
  5. Compare and compromise: The final step now is to compare the colleges on your list and try to finalize them. Do remember that only the top ones usually provide necessary top-quality education as per your terms.
  6. Do not delay: Application processes of the top colleges in Mumbai usually provide a very short window of opportunity to apply for your choice of degree. Before this opportunity opens up at colleges in Mumbai, you should have finalized your selection. You should also have the required test scores, written the proposals and have collected the necessary letters of recommendation.